Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ever wondered WHY?

There is so much to do and there is very little time...I'm sure this feeling swamps your mind at one point or the other. The fast pace of life does leave one dazed and  defeated sometimes. It would be a good idea to slow down a bit and try to live one day at a time. Too much planning can become a hazard, so just relax and let things unravel on their own sometimes. Try to absorb your surroundings and maybe you will stumble upon something you have never noticed before. Try to reflect on all the wonders you see and contemplate. Have you ever wondered why do babies smile in their sleep? Have you ever wondered why birds sing  to welcome the morning? Have you ever wondered why do animals have more harmony in their groups as compared to humans? Have you ever wondered why there is no money in a poor man's account but he sleeps sounder than a rich man? Have you ever wondered why the arrival of spring is marked by green sprouts bursting from seemingly dead boughs? Have you ever wondered why a rainbow marks the end of a storm?

If you have ever wondered, then you will know that putting aside all your worries and forgetting all your troubles will give you a reason to smile in your sleep. You will discover that having money is not a guaarantee of peace of mind and it only serves to generate more needs that demand more money and more of your time. You will realize that morning is the time to start afresh and an opportunity to undo yesterday's mistakes and to celebrate another day. You will feel that a loss is not the end of the world and every bad event is followed by something good. You will find that forgiving and forgetting will enable you to harmonize better with your fellow beings and will take you above judgement and doubt. You will attain a new sense of hope and never give up on things that apear to be inert. You will conclude that there really is no need to go through life at break neck speed and it is best that you keep it simple and keep it positive! Because life is what you choose to make it.

1 comment:

  1. you're right .. there are times when you want to be a super natural creature or you might wish that each day stretches out to 50 hours .. but Allah has created everything perfectly with a strong logic and reason which we might not be able to figure out at times.

    Agreed! stop by, observe the beautiful things around .. appreciate them .. praise Allah .. absorb the beauty and stay Happy :)
