Thursday, August 15, 2013

High-profile Shenanigans

It takes guts to wave two guns - Lara Croft style - and hurl a mouthful of pointless and meaningless nonsense at an army of armed policemen, media personnel and civilians...but Mr. Sikander did it... for nearly five hours! Talk about high-profile shenanigans :p He may have been high on drugs at the start but I'm sure the media attention went to his head after the first hour! His state of mind isn't hard to understand because a sane man is not so prone to staging Mexican standoffs at such a large scale....especially with his family's safety at stake. The hapless man's wife seemed to be playing multiple parts of a shady sidekick, the innocent intermediary and the unwilling hostage. I do feel sorry for his children because they are the true victims...It is their misfortune to witness the shameful gimmicks of their father and be exposed to all the violence at such a tender age. The reckless bravery of the Good Samaritan, Mr. Zamurd Khan, ultimately saved the day...which leaves me to wonder, what was the purpose of the entire episode...Was it just chowder for the media? Was some deep dark conspiracy unfolding behind this incident? Or was it simply a mad man on the loose? It was an obvious failing of the security forces present because if it hadn't been for the death-defying stunt of Mr. Zamurd Khan, we would still be the unwilling audience of "The Phonebooth" sequel.
The incident leaves a lot to the imagination...The exclusive footage on the news channels did help the imagination along but somehow the more we see, the less we seem to know...

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