Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Changing Hats

Every once in a while you are reminded of something you used to do when younger and then you stop to ponder why did you quit doing it. Did you grow out of the habit? Or did you just forget all about it? I have reached that juncture in my life when there are many things that make me nostalgic and it shocks me how much I have changed and adapted to the new happenings around me. I have taken on new roles and have become more of a shape-shifter to suit the situation...and in the process, I have lost focus of who I really am!

I'm sure you do go about changing hats too..you try to be a good parent, good sibling, good spouse and never have the opportunity to be the carefree person you were when you did not have to fit into either of these hats. Living for just yourself sounds so selfish but you do envy the people who do exactly that :p Bearing the brunt of all the added responsibilities is a tall order but one way or the other you have to summon all your strength to become the mature adult that you are expected to! That is the trouble of shifting into adulthood....

When you are a small child you dream of becoming as big as the adults around you and think that will be the true fun of life. You hate the books you have to study and despise the puny toys you get to play with. You think your big brother gets the best of everything just because he's older than you. Being taller seems to be the only way to compete with the adults. You wanna drive cars and enjoy all the big things. But then you do not know these things come with the heavy pricetag of responsibility. You never notice how your dad holds his head in frustration when he pays the bills. You never realize how hard your mother has to work the whole day to keep the household together. You never feel the pressure of your elder siblings at dealing with burdens of studying and adjusting within the society. That really is the time of your life, when everything is so simple and there's nothing to fret about besides a broken toy or hurt knee. There's always the hope of daddy getting you a new toy or getting mommy to kiss your tears away. But what do you do when mommy and daddy are no longer there to walk you through life...and when you have to step in their shoes and be the tower of strength that they used to be for you? Changing that hat is the toughest one....

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Good..The Bad...The Ugly...

Sometimes you give everything you got to please another person but somehow in the end all your efforts are for naught and you end up being the bad guy....does it mean you are pathetic at pleasing others? Or does it mean the other person is not worth all the effort? Seriously, over the years I have gained a treasure trove of experience in handling different sorts of people but still find it difficult to discern if the other person needs to be treated nicely or not. Some people don't need your goodness or your cooperation...what they really need is a piece of your mind :p

Some relations are a painful reminder of how vulnerable you are to manipulation and moral extortion because your social duty stipulates you to be good. If you quit that duty you are bad but if you keep on trying valiantly to fulfill it...you are definitely bad. The ugly side of affairs is unveiled when you observe a person least bothered with duties or social opinions. You realize that only those who blatantly refuse to be good are the ones who get the most respect and reverence. You will be shocked to know that those who are full of themselves are the ones who get pampered the most. There is no end to their tantrums but they still get their way in everything. Those who enjoy emotionally trampling others are the ones who get supported most often. You have been trying to be good all along...believing something worthwhile will come out of it and you see the bad guys getting all the good stuff...now isn't that ugly?

Then when you have run out of reasons to be good...you look up and feel Someone watching you...He knows how hard you have tried...He never forgets what you do because His memory does not fail Him like us humans...He tells you to keep on doing what you are doing because that is why He put you on this earth...then you want to be good for Him. To Him we will all return...either good or bad or ugly.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bare Sentiments

Engraved upon my hands
The lines called fate
Running away like sands
Memories filled with hate

The silence calls halt
Their smiles are hideous
'Tis not their fault
They be only envious

All that I possessed
Clubbed to death
To become obsessed
Till the last breath

My hope, my refuge
Lie in only one
Ah but time's deluge
Will leave behind none

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Every body's Favourite Bully

USA has been digging its own grave ever since it tried to "free" Vietnam from the clutches of Communism. It laid out its coffin with the invasion of Afghanistan and hammered down the last nail with the attack on Iraq. It even crafted its own tombstone with Egyptian and Libyan interferences. And now, I get the feeling that the story of how USA fell apart is going to be written with the blood of the helpless Muslims of Syria. Its funeral sermon will be quite a tale...

After the conclusion of the Cold War and the demise of USSR, America has strived very hard to become every body's favourite bully. It has ruthlessly been breaching the sovereignty of every country it considers a ‘threat to national security’. The Homeland that it holds sacred is usually under threat from countries that are located thousands of miles away from it and are economically challenged, politically destabilized, technologically outdated, militarily pathetic and above all are Muslims states. The threat level is deemed grave every time…Sometimes it is Al-Qaida, sometimes its Weapons of Mass Destruction and now its deadly sarin gas…I wonder who created this deadly sarin gas in the first place?? Oh! Let me guess…it was America! Strange coincidence! First it creates these potential threats then it wants to thwart them for the whole world to see.

Why does America run amok on the poor innocent people, to whom it has promised freedom from oppression? Why does it waste its own resources on ruining the countries that it seeks to help? Why can’t America be the ‘nice guy’ and build schools, roads and hospitals for the needy people instead? Or is that too much to ask from a pig-headed superpower, which sends its Marines on baseless Crusades? The Syrians will die for a country that somehow became the focus of America's wrath and the Marines will die for a country that was not even endangered at any point in time. Makes you feel sorry for both sides doesn’t it?

Friday, August 30, 2013

Looks can be deceiving

Every now and then you meet someone you instantly admire due to their attire and style but the moment you converse with them and discover their mentality, you are totally put off! This has happened to me so many times that I wonder why can't people have an appearance that matches their personality? I know people who portray themselves to be very modern and adorn themselves with the latest fashion clothes and have an English accent to their way of talking...but their vision is very narrow and they don't even know what their life is about. They think anybody who says their prayers and observes fast is out-dated and boring. They think just because they have education, whatever they think is correct. On the other hand, I have met people who look very religious due to their external Islamic get-up and vocal projection of Islam but their knowledge is limited to just a few books and they still do what others do but in a manner that they claim is Islamic. They do not practice what they preach and do not bother to figure out the true meaning of the teachings of Islam. They think just because they are carrying the banner of Islam, they have the right to denounce everybody else's belief and philosophy.

Why can't people understand that being modern is not just limited to fashion and English but it is to have a broad-minded approach towards other people and the events going on around them? Why is it that being religious is to just wear an abaaya or have a beard and not understand what our beautiful religion teaches us about humanity and equality? Islam is a religion that teaches both modernity and chasteness at the same time. It does not stop advancement of science and technology and neither does it ask for extermination of all those who behave or think differently. We have been asked to give space to others rather than impose ourselves on them. We as Muslims have not been told to live without the good things of life but have been told to do so wisely. It is not our job to kill people from other religions but it is our responsibility to set a good example for them to create a positive impression. Islam is not what the local and international media portrays...that is people waving Kalashnikovs and waging so called Jihad. It is you and me...it is every person doing his job honestly, it is every child obeying his parents, it is every mother tending to her children, it is every ruler ruling with justice, it is every man offering his prayers and above all it is the rhythm and harmony of nature. You can only see all this if you rise above all your self-imposed standards of superficial modernity or psuedo-piousness. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

High-profile Shenanigans

It takes guts to wave two guns - Lara Croft style - and hurl a mouthful of pointless and meaningless nonsense at an army of armed policemen, media personnel and civilians...but Mr. Sikander did it... for nearly five hours! Talk about high-profile shenanigans :p He may have been high on drugs at the start but I'm sure the media attention went to his head after the first hour! His state of mind isn't hard to understand because a sane man is not so prone to staging Mexican standoffs at such a large scale....especially with his family's safety at stake. The hapless man's wife seemed to be playing multiple parts of a shady sidekick, the innocent intermediary and the unwilling hostage. I do feel sorry for his children because they are the true victims...It is their misfortune to witness the shameful gimmicks of their father and be exposed to all the violence at such a tender age. The reckless bravery of the Good Samaritan, Mr. Zamurd Khan, ultimately saved the day...which leaves me to wonder, what was the purpose of the entire episode...Was it just chowder for the media? Was some deep dark conspiracy unfolding behind this incident? Or was it simply a mad man on the loose? It was an obvious failing of the security forces present because if it hadn't been for the death-defying stunt of Mr. Zamurd Khan, we would still be the unwilling audience of "The Phonebooth" sequel.
The incident leaves a lot to the imagination...The exclusive footage on the news channels did help the imagination along but somehow the more we see, the less we seem to know...

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sure to Die

When unseeing eyes have no more tears to shed
When the outraged monster sees only red
When forgotten moments have slipped by
The aching heart is sure to die.

When the guardians of faith take to arms
When the cries for help ring like alarms
When the rivers of blood have run dry
The dwindling belief is sure to die.

When treachery overpowers trust
When the fires of love are fuelled by lust
When thoughts and actions do not comply
The ebbing conscience is sure to die. 

When treasures are hoarded by the miser
When the book does not make one wiser
When the corrupt rule and the liars lie
The withering soul is sure to die.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"It's just an empty cup"

Sometimes you get inspiration from very unlikely sources, like when I was watching Disney Pixar's animated movie CARS with my daughter, a statement made by the protagonist of the movie, Lightning McQueen, really inspired me...Throughout the movie he is shown to be obsessed with winning a Piston Cup, but in the end realizes that it's just an empty cup...and gives up the cup in favour of helping a fellow racer.

The whole movie was a really stunning allegory of life itself. We spend our precious time trying to fulfill wants and wishes that make us lose focus of everyone and everything around us. We do whatever it takes to lead a posh life, a life less ordinary and a life  that is seemingly very satisfactory. In reality, our every activity revolves around generating more and more money to cater to our ever-increasing desires. The wish-list never stops growing...It's almost as though the cup we are trying to fill has a hole in the bottom. And by the time we realize that it is going to remain an empty cup forever...it's too late to go back.

I read a research that was conducted on old people living their last days in old homes and I was saddened to discover that each one of them regretted having wasted their lives on mundane pursuits rather than spending time with their families and friends. Each of the interviewees wanted to turn back the clock to steal some time  with loved ones. That is the trouble with money..it's so attractive that it blinds you towards many things. It makes you overlook important occasions and forget birthdays. It creates gaps between friends and strikes rifts between brothers. It estranges a father and son. It breaks up marriages and lowers the moral standards of people. This is the reason why Allah has commanded us to adopt the moderate path that does not involve being miserly or being over indulgent. It is our responsibility to restrict ourselves to our means rather than elaborating our means to suit us!

Some people would scoff at my views but seriously...the precious moments that you lose in favour of working extra time cannot be bought back with the extra money you earned. There is nothing more valuable than time, so spend it wisely.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Growing UP

When I look at my 3 year old daughter, I see a heart warming innocence that emanates from her eyes and her lovely smile. I see in her the proverbial empty pages that are waiting for the quivering hands of experience to write down a story. Then some day her face will be like a voluminous book that boasts of a life-long log of  trials and wisdom.
Every parent tries to protect his children from the harsh realities of life but over the passage of time this exposure is inevitable. That is part of growing up, you can't just have all the good things in life. You have to taste bitterness, experience loss, suffer defeat and be challenged by fear. Some psychologists say that children who are over-protected and shown only the bright side of things tend to have unrealistic expectations and get bored of everything very quickly. That is something far worse than a child who has faced the ups and downs of life...because with proper guidance from parents such a child becomes fully equipped to handle similar situations in grown up life. 
The new era has produced a new generation that is fine tuned to all the latest trends and is very assertive and independent as compared to previous generations. I have noticed a very high degree of will-power and confidence in my daughter, which usually develops in later years. She is very sure of herself and does not back down in the face of authority. Maybe it is because now parents share a very close and equal bond with their children and try to make their every little dream come true. Unwittingly, parents themselves are creating problems for their kids, since they are not being trained to cope with unfulfilled demands and unnecessary wishes. Life has much to offer but you can never have it all!
I try to keep check on my own upbringing methods but then again I also fall prey to these usual pitfalls because I want my child to have the best in everything...It is not wrong to have such aspirations for your kids but we have to strike a balance and set limits. Do you ever feel the same as I do?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Now for a taste of things to come!

I named this article after my most favourite quotation from the movie based on the video game, Mortal Kombat. That's because the aftermath of the elections is nothing short of mortal combat...and it has left us all wondering what is going to happen next.

One thing is for sure, no matter who rigged which result, the people are not willing to settle down for anything less than the complete truth. The populace is motivated to take to the streets to show their support for their leaders and to protest against any unfairness that they perceive. The media has brought all the cheating and deception into the limelight and there is no escaping the criticism coming from all directions. Those who lost are at loggerheads with those who won. Some say it is the failing of the system and some say it is a conspiracy. Amid this broiling imbroglio, the winning parties are trying to set up a functional government. Negotiations are being carried out under the table and secret handshakes are being exchanged. Whew! That sort of feels like a punch in the guts!

But, let's not lose focus of what this ruckus is all about..and that is the betterment of Pakistan. It does make a difference as to who is holding the reins of the country but we as the people should join hands and support the newly elected government. The road to salvation for our country is very tough and there are external forces that would like nothing more than lead us to destruction rather than improvement.Our country's economy already lies in tatters; our social system is battered because of global influences; our religion has become limited to just fundamentalists and terrorists; our educational system produces people with narrow vision and exaggerated accents; our foreign policy is merely a twisted contract of slavery.....and now we have to handle badly rigged elections. We are a nation that has survived all of this and more, so it is time to rise above the differences and suspicions and move towards a common goal. We must work for the uplifting of our country, break the shackles of bondage and become what our forefathers had dreamt of. That is the taste of things to come! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Is it over?

When the election frenzy began, it was exciting and tense because so many of  us had decided to go out and vote on the 11th of May for the first time. Most of the people had an attitude like me..'why bother voting for anyone because in the end it's gonna be the same old system with new faces anyway?' The record turnout for the elections this time goes to show that the people were willing to use their power of decision for better or for worse. Getting the blue thumb and permanent ink mark is more of a symbol of freedom for all of us. Going through all the process of balloting was exhilarating for me and my family because we were all first-timers! All of us remained glue to our television sets for watching how the elections unraveled. Shockingly, there were countless attempts to terrorize the voters in different regions of the country by verbal assaults, gunfire, hand grenades and bomb blasts. In some places the ballot papers were spirited away and the staff members of the polling stations were harassed or abducted. There were numerous cases of cheating and deception, even though everything was captured by the roving eye of the media. Still the voters remained undeterred and waited in long queues for many hours, just so that they do not miss out this opportunity to vote.

I view the results of the general elections with a certain degree of distaste though..maybe because I expected the people to be more inclined towards emerging leaders rather than the tried and tested politicians, who have had their chances and failed miserably at them...But nonetheless, the winds of change simply uprooted the most recent ruling parties, especially in the Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa region. The Pathans who are ridiculed for their simplicity, showed that they are simple but not stupid, unlike the more educated and elan folks. I felt a rush of pride when I heard the results for the KPK because it meant the locals were willing to open up for new options and get rid of all the redundant politicians, who had done nothing more than changing the name of the province :p The people in other provinces also made their choices, which I hope will serve them well and lead them to betterment rather than regret. Abraham Lincoln said, "The ballot is stronger than the bullet" and how right was he...the results of the elections show that people did away with all those leaders whom they did not think worthy of being in the highest echelons of the Government...killing them with bullets would have definitely been more difficult ;)

The manifestos of the different political parties covered a wide spectrum of issues concerning the country and the campaigns and political rallies/gatherings used different tactics to endorse those manifestos. The results come as a majore disappointment to some but are good news for others. The 'Tsunami' of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf may look like it has fizzled out but there is more to it than meets the eye...Imran Khan may not have paraded and killed a Bengali Tiger in his political campaign, but he pulled millions of people out of their  'don't care' condition by simply talking to them! He planted the seeds of change in the entire country and provoked the people to think and act, rather than berate their luck. I unabashedly admit I voted just because I was motivated by his speeches and he inspired me to be more than just a bystander in the quest for change. His party may not have secured the desired number of seats at the national or provincial level but  he has managed to acquire a platform to voice his thoughts on all future decisions of Pakistan. The intangible result of this election has very deep-reaching repercussions so I ask you...do you think it is over? Or do you believe it is the first step in our country's journey towards a new era?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Election Frenzy

So who are you going to vote for? That's the first question people ask you these days :D It has become a spontaneous reaction to be curious about other people's choice of a national leader in the upcoming elections. The news channels are flooded with election updates and paid campaigns. The election campaigns of some political parties are so corny and funny that I crack up with laughter when I see them! Especially the one that plays the Batman theme in the background ;) I don't know about you but honestly, in my 12 years of being able to vote...this is the first time I shall be stepping into a polling booth to cast a vote!!! That's a shame I know...but seriously I never felt inclined to choose between any of the seasoned politicians who used to be running for power. I just didn't want to waste time and effort in voting for those political parties that have been doing the same stuff over and over again..and have been getting richer and bigger in doing that same stuff :p  

This time it's a bit different, because we have a new candidate available in the political line-up and that is Imran Khan. His party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf, may be a budding one but it is a platform for some of the most seasoned politicians (who do not have such a shady past) and some of the most influential people of our country..people who do not need to be in politics but are there just because they also want to be part of the change. The winds of change are blowing this time because the entire population is fed up of the failure of past governments to address any of the problems that have plagued the nation for so long. This is not just about Imran Khan but the people do need something different and something new from their leaders. The same old false promises are not going to work since people are bored of them...or so it seems. What will you do this time?

Friday, April 26, 2013


Ever got rejected? Well join the club! SO, what was your rejection story? Got rejected after a job interview? Had your affections rebuffed by a potential lover? Did someone reject your merchandise after viewing? Were you refused entry into another country?....BINGO! I recently got rejected for that very thing :p My visa application for UK got rejected and somehow the reason for the rejection has left me writhing in fury and indignation!!! The UK border agency officials thought I was unable to prove my ties to my beloved Paki-land....hence they thought it very likely that I will beg for asylum once I entered the UK...seriously folks...Do we look that desperate??
At first I was mad and upset but then I decided I should get to the bottom of this and so I started digging around. I asked many people and browsed around only to discover that the past acts and events of Pakistanis has certainly marred our overall image and people in the UK have developed a stereotype about us that eventually anybody who tries to get a visa will disappear into thin air once on UK soil or will try something illegal. But is that fair? I provided all proper supporting documents, paid a hefty amount of money for visa application processing and in the end I got a slap in the face by being told that I am under suspicion that I may not be going to UK for the reason or duration stated....Hell lo!?! I could have been asked for further proof or documentation before being rejected so callously :( The officials did not even try to hear my side of the story and did not even give me the right to appeal against the decision and very blatantly told me to apply again and try to address the allegations against me with proof. So did I apply again? No! Not because I was guilty...but because I can't afford to spend another big sum of money and then again be rejected for some petty reason.
This made me realise that being rejected is no doubt a serious blow to anyone's confidence and self-respect. I have started understanding how it feels to prepare so hard for a job interview...go through lenthy selection sessions and tests...be filled with anticipation and hope and then get the door slammed in your face because you just didn't fit the bill. I feel a certain attachment to the one who goes to a person with their heart pinned to their sleeve...singing ballads of love and watching with bated breath and a starry gaze only to discover that your just not meant to be..
But don't worry if you didn't get this job...you are probably gonna find a better one that you always dreamt about. So what if the guy or girl didn't want your love? There is someone out there for you...with whom you will feel complete. Everything works out for the best they say...and it does! 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Electricty..oh electricity...

When the world seems dark and desolate....when the calm of the night is shattered by the whirring of machines...when you cannot find solace for hours...you know it is time...time to test all your patience and forbearance capacities...time to create a fan out of every available book or newspaper or in other words..time for the regular electricity load shedding :p Time flies by these days but the hour without electricity stretches to infinity. Small wonder that the load shedding timings have started increasing with the approach of summers! It is going to be epic, battling mosquitoes and tolerating the heat, while sitting in the dark. Those of you who do not posses a UPS, converter or electric power generator, my heart goes out to you.

It was a very big news last year that there was a power outage in North America that caused consternation among people and the loss of millions of dollars in revenues. The duration of that power failure was probably a week. So what about us??? We have to endure daily power outages that last from 8 hours to 14 hours in the big cities, while the towns and villages have to survive on just a few hours of electricity each day. The situation of commerce in our country is such that many factories have been driven out of business due to the power shortage and many have relocated to other countries (taking with them whatever slim employment opportunities they provided)! Our business areas are roaring with the deafening sound of generators during peak activity hours and the costs of using the generators has to be silently cut from the profit margin or passed on to the customer. Our offices are giving lower output due to inavailability of power for computers, internet, printers and other office mashines. Our educational institutions are facing hurdles in utilizing supporting multimedias and projectors for educational purposes. In short every activity that is of benefit to the economy of our country and necessary for progress depends on electricity and without electricity we are going in the backward direction.

When the public makes noise over their predicament, they are told the power production plants cannot meet the population's ever-increasing electricy demands, but somehow nothing besides small talk is done. No corrective measures are taken and the dependance on hydro-electric power and fossil fuels for power generation is seemingly not enough. Maybe a new alternative like solar energy needs to be explored because we do have a never ending supply of sunlight :p Some of our helpful neighbours have offered to sell us electricity at subsidized rates but that sounds like a national insult to our rulers I guess because neither of those lucrative offers has been accepted :( electricity oh electricity..wish you were here!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

From a Disgruntled Fat Lady

There comes a time in your life when stepping on the weighing scale takes guts :p This sort of thing is happening to me these days, as I'm drawing closer to my thirties and honestly I'm freaking out! I've always been the sort of person who lives to eat and somehow it never did matter what I ate. But lately the weighing scale seems to creak and groan ominously when I step on it, scaring me that it might burst open and spew out its springs and gears like in cartoons...So now I gotta be cautious about the calories, do some serious workouts and cut down on the carbs blah blah blah...That sort of takes out the fun from life-atleast my life!
I know that obesity is the start of many health issues but gaining a few extra kilos should not be such a problem..right? Wrong!! It has now become a taboo to sport an extra inch of belly fat or have love handles that need handling :p Staying rake-thin is now becoming a norm and most of the women I see around me are either on a strict diet or are burning yoga mats in some gym. Not that I'm against physical fitness but what bothers me is the obsession with wafer-like bodies. Exercising has never harmed anyone and it's good to be active but has anyone ever pondered over the fact that excessive dieting not only leads to dramatic deficiencies in the body but also leads to dark circles under the eyes, hair fall and gastro-intestinal malfunctions. Dieting can become nasty if basic requirements of the body are not kept in mind.
So why the obsession? The answer can be found when you look at the average model or actress draped in a clinging dress that shows off her perfect hour-glass figure. The charm words like sexy, beautiful and attractive are attached to these images and when you are fed these images at a frequency higher than that of sound...you can bet that your mind will pursue the wafer-thin body with an obsession. The trouble with these perfect bodies is that behind the camera so much effort has gone into them. We are not told about the surgeries and liposuctions that these women undergo; we do not know what is their exercise routine or diet plan and neither do we know the amount of photoshop and airbrushing effects that have gone into sculpting that killer physique! And don't forget the efforts of the makeup artists and personal stylists who make them look gorgeous because trust me you wouldn't recognise them without the makeup :p
So next time you look in the mirror, don't try to find a likeness to a celebrity but feel good about yourself. You don't have to be like an actress to be called beautiful, nor do you need to resemble a skinny model to be considered sexy. You are great just the way you are because you are special in your own way :)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ever wondered WHY?

There is so much to do and there is very little time...I'm sure this feeling swamps your mind at one point or the other. The fast pace of life does leave one dazed and  defeated sometimes. It would be a good idea to slow down a bit and try to live one day at a time. Too much planning can become a hazard, so just relax and let things unravel on their own sometimes. Try to absorb your surroundings and maybe you will stumble upon something you have never noticed before. Try to reflect on all the wonders you see and contemplate. Have you ever wondered why do babies smile in their sleep? Have you ever wondered why birds sing  to welcome the morning? Have you ever wondered why do animals have more harmony in their groups as compared to humans? Have you ever wondered why there is no money in a poor man's account but he sleeps sounder than a rich man? Have you ever wondered why the arrival of spring is marked by green sprouts bursting from seemingly dead boughs? Have you ever wondered why a rainbow marks the end of a storm?

If you have ever wondered, then you will know that putting aside all your worries and forgetting all your troubles will give you a reason to smile in your sleep. You will discover that having money is not a guaarantee of peace of mind and it only serves to generate more needs that demand more money and more of your time. You will realize that morning is the time to start afresh and an opportunity to undo yesterday's mistakes and to celebrate another day. You will feel that a loss is not the end of the world and every bad event is followed by something good. You will find that forgiving and forgetting will enable you to harmonize better with your fellow beings and will take you above judgement and doubt. You will attain a new sense of hope and never give up on things that apear to be inert. You will conclude that there really is no need to go through life at break neck speed and it is best that you keep it simple and keep it positive! Because life is what you choose to make it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Monster that is MEDIA

While watching one of the news channels on cable television, I recalled a quotation from my years in college, which aptly sums up my feelings about today's media. The quotation was like: "In a world of hair trigger balances, no communication, lack of communication or miscommunication can lead to disaster." Everyday we are treated to copious amounts of information that may or may not be of any value to us. Sensational news flashes and alerts seem to be all the rage these days! I recall that day when it was announced on the news channels that the current Prime Minister of Pakistan, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, is to be arrested on orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Afterwards a whirlwind of speculations was generated and many discussions were held between high profile politicians to see what will be the outcome of the entire episode, which later turned out to be a misinterpretation of the order issued by the Chief Justice...amazing!! The whole day was wasted on a news that was not even real! And yet we trust these news channels to bring us the hard facts...is it our failing or do we have no other option?

Lots of people spend the entire evening cooped up in front of the television watching the talk shows and discussions that are about current affairs or most of the female population watches the Indian, Pakistani or Turkish (Urdu Translation) dramas. I have tried watching news shows only to end up with a bad headache and a feeling of extreme dismay...they never have anything good to tell you!! On the other hand watching any kind of drama makes me wonder whether there is any other topic in this wide world besides about fashion conscious, modern women struggling to carve a niche for themselves in a society hell bent on destroying them? Seriously what happend to the humourous twist of things?? The most touted story usually has a physically and mentally abused heroine, who pitifully bears every torture and cries her eyes out from time to time. The endings are slight variations of the basic story but are ever so predictable. Maybe it is an addiction that drags people to spend so much time in front of the tube rather than having a good time with friends and family.

Media certainly has distorted perceptions and opinions over time..now we all see a conspiracy in everything around us! This is not limited to just news, but the storyline of various dramas has cast a shadow of suspicion and mistrust even on relationships in daily life. Specific relationships are always portrayed negatively in dramas, which makes people believe that anyone in that relationship is bound to have bad intentions and will definitely try to sabotage any happiness they have! Things don't work like that in real life or do they?